March 2016


JDE takes seriously the Danwatch study and the critical social and environmental issues that it raises regarding coffee production in Brazil.

JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS (JDE) takes seriously the Danwatch study and the critical social and environmental issues that it raises regarding coffee production in Brazil. Importantly, the study identifies specific violations of Brazilian law and we have previously notified our suppliers not to procure coffee from known violators. At JDE, we are committed to working with governments, non-governmental organizations, suppliers, farmer cooperatives and the entire coffee supply chain to improve the working conditions for coffee farmers throughout the world. We currently support fifteen such programs in nine countries, including Brazil, where we are part of the IDH Sustainable Coffee Program and work with the Brazilian Government, the Brazilian Roasters Association (ABIC), and the Exporters Organization (CeCafé) to improve coffee sustainability and working conditions in Brazil.